Can I change my order?

Yes. No fees will apply if the change of order is made before the item is dispatched from our warehouse. To change your order simply contact us via our website ‘Contact Us’ page or email

Can I cancel my order?

Yes. No fees will apply if you cancel the order before the item is dispatched from our warehouse. To cancel your order simply contact us via our website ‘Contact Us’ page or email

What if I do not like my order or change my mind?

If you change your mind, you can simply return the product to us within 14 days of the date you received it and we will issue the refund to the original payment method, less re-shipping and re-stocking costs.

However please note, the following products do not qualify for a change of mind refund request:

  • health and safety products
  • bulk purchases
  • products that are opened
  • products which state on the listing they cannot be returned

What if the product is damaged or has missing parts?

Refund requests for products which are damaged or have missing parts require supporting documentation such as photographs or videos.

These documents are reviewed within 2 to 3 business days from the date submitted. Once request is validated, we will dispatch a replacement part or product from our warehouse within 2 business days.

If the replacement part or product is not available within a reasonable timeframe, we will offer a refund or store credit.

Please do not dispose of items before a decision has been made and finalised, as we may ask for items to be inspected.

How to make a refund claim?

Send us a message via the iKenz website- “Contact Us” or email us at

The following should be included in the message:

  •  order number;
  •  the quantity of each product and/or part missing, faulty or damaged; and
  • an image or video (of acceptable quality) of the product that clearly shows: the fault or damage (if applicable); what part is missing (if applicable); the product in the original packaging (if applicable); and/or the product’s instruction manual with the fault or damage and/or missing part indicated, for example by circling the area damaged or from which a part is missing (if applicable).
  • a brief explanation of the fault or damage, and what the customer is requesting, i.e. refund, credit or replacement of parts/product.

We will then assess the claim and determine whether you are entitled to a replacement product, replacement part, refund or store credit.


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